Successes and Failures on the Vegetable Plot and in the Garden thus far in 2022

It says on the catch line of this blog that it is chronicling my successes and failures as an amateur gardener on my plot in Essex on the veg patch and in the flower bed, well the first major failure has happened and the Limoncito and Black Cherry seedlings have all wilted and died. I think, despite being inside under cover, the lack of light and warmth over the last few days has done for them. With hindsight, a wonderful thing, I probably should have kept them on the windowsill of my back bedroom until stronger rather than moving them to the unheated Conservatory; I may also have made the classic error of overwatering. It is annoying but most years something goes wrong, you can't get it right all the time and that is all part and parcel of gardening. 

On the plus side, the Gigantomo and Beef Steak Tomato plants are growing by the day in the Greenhouse and strong and healthy - sometimes it is just bad timing, these seeds were of course sown earlier than the Limoncito and Black Cherry and it would appear benefited from the warm sunny days we had in late March and early April. As my post on 4th April says - When to sow and when not to sow - every gardeners difficult decision! I have space for Tomato plants on the Veg Patch this season so will either sown some more, I have a number of seeds to choose from, or may pick up some seedlings from a Nursery or Garden Centre. 

Elsewhere the Lilly Bulbs, Lillum Casa Blanca and Tower Lily Pretty Woman in the White Border generally look well and healthy though three have had their tops chewed off! Having done a Internet search it appears the most likely culprits are Deer, Rabbits or Squirrels. Deer seems unlikely as the nearest herd would be in Harold Hill area a good five miles from me and I am sure I would have noticed if Bambi and Co had been leaping over the garden fence each morning. Equally Rabbits are very unlikely unless one has escaped from it's hutch in a neighbours garden and been able to make it through several fences to my plot; we have them on Hornchurch Country Park up the road but I am confident they haven't crossed several roads and made their way to my plot. That leaves Squirrels. I have a number of the little grey critters that visit the garden and one of them must be the hungry little beastie that has gnawed through the emerging Lilies. Sadly, they won't now flower now but the rest are now at a height where they should be safe, I will remember to place some chicken wire around them next year as they emerge. 

The Chrysanthemum Silver Princess bare roots I planted back in January in the same bed are in fine health I am happy to report and I am very much looking forward to seeing how this border progresses over the summer. The Chrysanthemum Polar Star seeds I sowed in pots a while back that will also go in tis bed are growing strongly and almost ready to be hardened off. 

So that's it as it stands, good news and bad news, successes and failures. Every time you think you know it all Gardening and good old Mother Nature will find a way to bring you back down to earth and remind you that everyday is a learning day. 

Cheers 🍺


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