Battling the elements in the garden during a very wet November
I mentioned in my post of late October that I would be planting my Narcissi Paperwhite bulbs in the hope they would be in bloom indoors for Christmas. A delicate Narcissi they actually don't do very well outdoors in the UK, it is native to the Mediterranean, but will grow happily in a pot indoors and, in theory, if sowed that last weekend of October should be in flower for Christmas - flowers 8-10 weeks after planting. The first flower bloomed 30th November, just four-and-a-half weeks after I popped them in the pot! All being well there are plenty more of the delicate little flowers to come, and I am tole they last some time, so fingers crossed they can still form part of the centrepiece for the Christmas table. Confession time, I am behind where I wanted to be clearing the plot and generally tidying up for winter. Late October and November have been wet to say the least, and it has been difficult to find the time to get all the jobs done in such rubb...