A weekend on the plot sowing seeds and planting out seedlings

The weather being kind and the forecast mild(ish) I was able to get a good few hours in on the plot this weekend and get some seeds sown and seedlings into the Vegetable Patch. The Runner Bean seedlings that had been hardening off in the Greenhouse and then the Wood Store are now planted in their bed. Many will say it's too early but they are looking fine and with little threat of frost in the forecast I am confident they will begin to romp away in the warmer days ahead. The second sowing remain in the Conservatory for now but will be moved to the Wood Store to harden off in the near future before joining the others in the Bean Bed. The Leek seedlings have also been planted out in a couple of rows. A simple task as the seeds were sown in fibre pots so they were just dropped into a dibbed hole, pot and all, before the soil filled in back around them. Being a little old fashioned the lines are plumb line straight and all being well I have have two perfect lines of big fat Le...