Is Gardening Really Good For Your Health & Wellbeing?
I touched upon the subject back in March 2021 and as I said then I should start this post by making it abundantly clear I am in no way expert or have any type of qualifications. This article is based purely on my experience. This post isn't about lockdowns and the dreaded C word, it is simply a few words looking at whether gardening is beneficial to your health and wellbeing in general. Let me start by saying I think gardening is beneficial for your health and wellbeing, plain and simple. This could be the shortest post on a blog ever! That said let me explain my thinking on the matter and why I believe it would benefit everyone to have a few hours a week gardening. I appreciate not everyone has a garden so when I say 'gardening' in this piece I am including a few pots in a backyard or on a balcony or of course house plants for those with no outdoor space. The benefits of having plants around you, indoors or out, are many. Indoors a few plants dotted around your ...