What jobs need doing in the garden in December?
It's December, Christmas is nearly upon us and we find ourselves in a bit of a mess with Plan B having been implemented. Does anyone else get the feeling we will be onto plan X, Y or Z by the time this covid malarkey is dealt with! Many of you will probably be working from home again, I am, and, if you are anything like me, you have probably already spent a fair bit of time looking at the garden and wondering what you can be getting on with on your plot this month. Well fear not dear reader I have five jobs you can crack on with. Five jobs to be done in the garden in December: Put up bird nesting boxes. I have a couple in my garden not that anything has used either of them in the last couple of years. I have this morning moved the Tit box from out of the Cherry Tree where it was located last year, and ignored, and hung it on the fence pointing as north-easterly as I can get it. The RSPB advice is u nless there are trees or buildings which shade the box during the day, face t...