Fools Spring and planning for summer outdoor dining

There is an old saying regard Fools Spring and though still a bit early to consider it to be spring this weekend was a very good example. A nice day Saturday it was still bitterly cold at times, I was doing a little Pike fishing and can assure you it was woolly hat and thermal vest weather. Rain can overnight and Sunday was blustery and dull. The plan was for a bit of work in the garden but it was windy enough that with the wind chill I decided to retreat into the Potting Shed and Garage. 

Two new lily bulbs were added to the white border, one in each corner, these being Tower Lily Pretty Woman, and all being well they will grow to six-feet plus with up to thirty blooms on each stem the blooms reaching up to 8 inches in size. 

The first few seeds have been sown and are indoors on windowsills to keep them snug and warm until they germinate. Two varieties of Tomato were selected, the Gigantamo and the Buffalo Steak being the ones chosen as I want to get them off and growing as early as possible in an attempt to get nice strong seedlings early in the season to produce some HUGE fruits come summer. I also sowed Courgettes as I like to get them going nice and early if I can. The seeds were sown into the fibre pots purchased recently and are now under propagators on the windowsill in the back bedroom. I also worked on the old dining table that has become a garden table now. A drop-leaf table it was actually my Mothers and has put in a good twenty-five years plus service for family dinners, parties, funerals, engagements, happy and sad times. It has now made it's way into the garden and sits perfectly under my pergola. To weatherproof it it has been sanded down and a liberal slosh of exterior wood paint added. A second coat will be required and it's a job I will finish over the course of the next few evenings; my apologies to the neighbours for my out of tune singing along to the radio as I work. Hopefully, when finished, it will host many more years of family and friends get togethers laden down with a plethora of BBQ'd goodies. 

I am a great believer in using the garden as much as possible, us gardeners can easily become lost in the making and upkeep of a garden and never actually using it. Always remember to take a few hours to just simply sit and enjoy the fruits of your labour. 

Cheers 🍺


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