A weekend sowing seeds and enjoying the garden

Signs that spring is on the way are all around the garden. Crocus are just coming into bloom, Daffodils are popping up all over, the pots filled with bulbs are just days away from the first flowers, it was a lovely place to be this weekend. I also made some time just to sit and enjoy the garden, from the relative warmth of the conservatory, and half-an-hour or so was lost just watching the Sparrows, Starlings and Wood Pigeons squabbling on the bird feeders. 

I also spent some time in one of my happy places this weekend, the potting shed, busying myself sowing Leek and Runner Bean seeds into fibre pots. The two seed trays of Beans, eight 8cm pots on each, are currently in the dining room by the French Doors to get as much warmth and light as possible with the two trays of Leeks, fifteen 6cm pots on each, on the table in the conservatory tucked up warm under propagator lids.

Spring really is just around the corner. 

Cheers 🍺


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