The creation of the White Border - an update

Firstly, as we were rain free in my neck of the woods at the weekend, the Lillum Casa Blanca bulbs are in. I have placed one in front of the two bulbs that were already in-situ forming a nice little triangle of lilies with two new bulbs planted either side around a foot apart which will hopefully produce a lovely backdrop to the border come summer. 

As mentioned in the original post a few days age I have been thinking of other plants to add and have ordered six Chrysanthemum Silver Princess bare roots which are clump-forming herbaceous perennials that have single daisy like flowers that should bloom from early summer through autumn. I have also ordered a packet of Chrysanthemum Polar Star seeds, completely new to me, they are an annual with tricolour daisy flowers described as a white bloom with an intriguing inner yellow halo surrounding a central darker cushion. The picture I have seen they look great and will sort the White Border perfectly. 

As it was a nice sunny if chilly Saturday afternoon I also took the chance to clear down the Runner Beans from last season, dig over the bed and add plenty of manure ready for the coming growing season. One of the benefits of growing Runner Beans is you can grow them in the same bed year after with no need for crop rotation. I also dug in the Green Manure that was cut down a few weeks ago on the main vegetable bed. There is a certain satisfaction to be had from getting the veg beds in order by the middle of January and planning can now begin on what will be grown where in the main bed over the coming months. 

Cheers 🍺

Cold and frosty morning in the garden 


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