The creation of the White Border has begun

I have decided to create a 'white border' in the garden, basically by making over one of the existing flower beds. It is a classic case of having a bit of time on my hands on a cold and wet January afternoon sitting in the conservatory and coming up with a great idea - all I have to do now is make it happen! 

I already have two Lillum Casa Blanca lilies at the back of the border in front of an eight foot fence. I like these a lot so I have purchased five more bulbs from J Parkers which will be added to the back of the border. Lilies aren't everyone's cup of tea but I like them, Lillum Casa Blanca especially for their huge white blooms, and they certainly liven up a boring old garden fence when in full bloom. I have also purchased a new Myrtle (I mentioned in an early post I had consigned the old one to the compost heap) and all being well this specimen will be happier in the border than the old one was in a pot and I have learnt my lessons in regard pruning and care for the plant; Myrtle has beautiful little white flowers when it blooms. 

There are a number of bulbs in the bed at the moment, mainly Alliums, which I am as yet undecided whether to dig up or leave. Most are Allium Purple Sensation so won't go in the 'white border' plan but if memory serves correct there are some white one's in there so I may leave the bulbs to flower this year and simply take out the non-white ones as the blooms fade. 

As for other plants to be added, Shatsa Daises are under consideration for relatively easy to grow perennials if in a lot of cases somewhat short-lived. No doubt knowing me a little room will be left for some sort of summer bedding plant, I can't help myself whenever I visit a Nursery or Garden Centre. 
I will be thumbing through a few books and surfing websites for inspiration over the coming days as the border begins to take shape - at least in my mind.

Cheers 🍺 


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