Garden gifts and the New Year in the garden

I have been given a Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var. repens, better known as Creeping Blue Blossom, by my mate and fishing buddy Noel which truth be told I knew nothing about until I undertook a little research on the good old internet. Apparently, it is one of the hardiest of the Ceanothus. It will all being well grown into a low-growing, evergreen shrub which, come May and June, should be covered in what are described as fluffy, powder-blue flowers; happily it appears to be beneficial to an assortment of pollinators. I am going to plant into a large square pot allowing me to move the plant into a more sheltered area come winter as my reading informs me they don't do that well if overly exposed to winter wind and frost.

I write on New Years Eve pre a drink or two so it is unlikely anything will get done in the garden on New Years Day as I will no doubt have a hangover and family will be visiting at some point; which will probably lead to a drink or two being sunk again! 

I did take a stroll round the plot earlier today and it is lovely to see so many bulbs popping their heads up above the soil. It was especially pleasing to see the bulbs planted in the autumn under the Cherry Tree appearing, I look forward to seeing how that little spot looks come March and April. The first sign of the bulbs is a promise of things to come and reminds you that spring is just around the corner. It has been a mild winter thus far in my neck of the woods and judging by the garden I reckon it will remain that way into spring. 

I will be pottering about over the Bank Holiday as the Nest Box I keep telling myself I am going to construct is still no more than bits of wood in the garage at the moment and, as is the way of things, as the bulbs pop up so do a few hardy little weeds and they need to be dealt with sooner rather than later.  

I also have a little extra work to finish with a new project. I can exclusively reveal this afternoon that for the New Year I start my new column for the publishers Archant that will be published every month in their flagship newspaper the Romford Recorder:

I will update in the New Year on my progress but for now I shall simply wish you a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! 

Cheers 🍺


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