Christmas Gifts for the Gardener

The internet will be full of listicles over the coming weeks with present ideas for Christmas. You know the sort of thing: Top Five Gifts for the Gardener. Top Ten Tipples for the Christmas Table. Top Ten Presents for Teenagers. Top Five Presents for DIY'ers etc......................

Now I am no retail expert but I do know what I would like from Father Christmas this year for the garden, providing of course I have managed to make it onto the Good List. 

Below is my list. I don't expect you dear reader to purchase me anything, I post this purely to, perhaps, give you an idea of what to purchase the gardener in your life this Yuletide. 

1. A new Lawn Mower. I have never owned a cordless mower and think it is probably time I did. I actually quite enjoy mowing the lawn, unusual I know, but if there is one thing that spoils a good afternoon mowing the lawn it is a tangled power cable! 😠

2. Terracotta Pots. I like to think I am anything but a garden snob but if I do have one thing that I get a bit 'snobby' about it would be pots. A pot should be Terracotta as far as I am concerned. If you want to buy plastic pots (and I appreciate that they can be easier for some people) check out the company Ocean Plastic Pots who make their pots from recycled Rope and Fishing Net with the added bonus that when finished with the pots are 100% recyclable!

3. Socks. A nice air of thick thermal socks is a must have come winter. 

4. Metal Scoop. I admit it I have scoop envy every time I watch Gardeners World and Monty get's his scoop out to sprinkle around the grit pm his bulb pots. 

5. Long handled Trowel and Fork. This is also Monty's fault! Why am I still faffing around bent over and stretching across flowerbeds with short handled hand tools when clearly a long handled trowel and fork should be in the tool shed. 

Okay I admit it the last two are basically boys toys that I don't 'need need' as they say but they would look great in the tool shed and I have hangers ready and waiting 😃

Footnote about Pots. Stone is acceptable for larger planters and toughs, I have no problem with a planted up tin bath and I myself have an old metal wheelbarrow that is full of Alpines and bulbs, but pots really should be Terracotta. I do have a Christmas tree planted in a 50-litre plastic trug (made from recycled plastic) but that is as far as my plastic pot usage goes and when I have a planter big enough it will go in that. obviously from time to time I purchase plants in plastic pots (try not to) and when I have to I certainly always look for those that are recyclable or are made from recycled plastic at the very least. 

Cheers 🍺


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