What I have Bean up to on the plot this weekend

Firstly, sorry for the title but I do love a poor pun. 

I managed to get a few hours in on the plot Saturday morning in the lovely sunshine which is always a bonus. I was down to my vest and shorts at one point, nice for me, not so nice fof the neighbours! 

The Runner Bean seedlings have been planted out into the bed, some were significantly bigger than I had thought, and all look well and healthy as I write on Monday. They were given a real good soaking and I will continue to keep them well watered throughout spring and summer as they are thirsty plants. 

The Sonesta Dwarf French Bean (yellow) seedlings have moved from the conservatory to the greenhouse as part of their hardening off programme and all seems well with them. The Amethyst Dwarf French Beans (purple) sowed direct into the bed have clearly failed - it was pretty ambitious on my part sowing them in March - and I have sowed a number into pots now which have taken the place of the Sonesta seedlings in the conservatory. 

One of the three large pots in which the Chantenay Carrots are to be grown this year has now finally had some seeds sowed into. I will sow into the other two as the season progresses in the hope of a nice steady flow of orange gems throughout the year. 

All around the garden things really are springing into life now with the Cherry Tree covered in blossom and the 'winter' Pansies loving life in their pots and baskets.  

Cheers 🍺


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