Things done and to be done in the garden in April

Sorry for the delay in this post, it has just been a bit manic down at mine one way or another and finding a few moments to sit down and compose some content has proved mission impossible. The good news is, the British weather being as it is, you haven't missed that much! 

The best of the Tomato plant seedlings have been selected and planted out into the beds of the Greenhouse this week. So far so good as they say and they appear happy in their permanent home. I have a number of seedlings left over which will be grown on in their pots for now in case disaster strikes in the Greenhouse; I have a couple of friends and work colleagues who already have their name on a few and the spares will eventually be distributed appropriately. Sharing any spare plants remains a greats way to stay popular 😃

The Runner Bean seedlings were moved into the wood store to harden off around 10 days ago and shall be planted out into the bean bed this weekend with the forecast being warm and sunny for my part of the world. They are looking strong and healthy and in a couple of cases a good foot-and-a-half tall already! 

The Leek seedlings planted out over the Easter weekend are going well in the general veg bed and I am happy to report that Parsnip seedlings have appeared since I last wrote so that bed really is beginning to look good. As feared there are no signs of the Amethyst Dwarf French Beans that were direct sowed in that bed so it is back the the drawing board there and some will be sowed into pots the weekend and started off indoors. On a brighter note the Sonesta Dwarf French Beans sowed in pots and left in the conservatory have germinated and a number of small plants are currently being grown-on. 

I mentioned back in March that I had pre-ordered a Phoenix Canariensis from which has duly arrived. Lovely thing it is too and I have potted it into a 37cm terracotta pot which shall be it's home for the next two or three years all being well. 

As for the coming few days a mowing of the lawn is required and more than a few minutes will be spent pottering around deadheading Daffodils and weeding no doubt! I really must get round to sowing some Carrots as well. 

Cheers 🍺


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