Vegetable Raised Beds

Over the winter I finished the two new raised beds on the veg patch to match the three already in place in which I grow Strawberries and Raspberries. They are pretty simple constructions, I certainly did not inherit any of my old Dad or Grandads carpentry skills, they are simply big old railway sleepers cut to size and held together together with six inch nails! Word of warning for anyone thinking of doing similar, railway sleepers take some cutting by hand! I am a fairly hefty bloke but it is a fair old workout sawing through them even with a decent well looked after saw. You may want to hire a chainsaw or similar power tool unless you are a glutton for punishment like me. 

Last weekend I sowed some Parsnip seeds, Gladiator F1, and the first row of Dwarf French Beans, a purple variety called Amethyst, and thankfully it has stayed relatively warm and sunny here so all being well over the next few days the first of the beans may pop their heads above the soil. I will sow further rows of the Amethyst beans in due course as well as some rows of a yellow variety called Sonesta. A net has been thrown across the main bed simply across some old 2x2 with small pots on top as I have a number of Squirrels, Magpies and a pair of Crows that visit the garden every day and they seem to believe I had created a new area for them to bury various bits and bobs is rather than for me to grow veg!

My small plot is beginning to look like a garden again as it awakens from its winter slumber 😉

Cheers 🍺


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