Seedlings doing well and plans for the weekend

 The Runner Bean and Tomato seedlings are growing on strongly in the conservatory, pretty much every seed having germinated. I do have two beans that appear to have failed but I will give them a day or two yet to pop their heads up or the contents of those pots will be consigned to the compost heap. 

I will be preparing the greenhouse at the weekend, washing down the glass and a bit of general weeding of the beds, it's surprising how weed seeds seem to get into anywhere, plus I will be adding some blood fish and bone to the soil. It's a job I actually quite enjoy and all being well with the forecast weather being fine it should be a lovely hour or so under the glass getting some warmth into my old bones as well as the soil. There is something about working in the greenhouse in spring with the sun shining that just makes you feel better. Apologies in advance to my neighbours for the singing along to the radio. 

I will be keeping an eye on the weather forecast and providing the night time temperatures are looking okay I will probably take the opportunity to sow some more Dwarf French Beans and perhaps the first sowing of Carrots. The plan is for Chantenay Carrots to be grown in big planters this year; I will let you know more on this little project as it progresses. 

Cheers 🍺



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