Greenhouse tidy, potting up seedlings, weeding and more weeding

I mentioned in a post last week that I planned to get in the Greenhouse this weekend and get to work preparing it for the season ahead and I am happy to report I was able to on Sunday afternoon - in fact I managed to get three-and-a-half hours out in the garden on a lovely if slightly chilly afternoon. 

The beds in the Greenhouse have been weeded, as I mentioned before it beggars belief where and how weed seeds get to but bugger me they get everywhere. The soil was then lightly turned over before a decent helping of blood, fish and bone, chicken manure pellets and some new fresh compost was scattered over them in turn; each scattering receiving a light turning over to mix in nicely with the soil. Finally the beds were given a thorough soaking to help get all the nutrients breaking down and getting to work. 

Having completed the main job of the day the six Geranium cuttings (Pelargonium if you're posh) that I have been looking after through the winter having taken them from plants in the garden last year were potted into the pots they will spend the spring and summer in. The Sweet Peas sown last autumn and overwintered in the Greenhouse, been hardening off in the log store for a couple of weeks, were also planted into their new home. This year I will be growing them in a 42 litre sack actually sold for growing spuds in but all being well it will suit the Sweet Peas lovely. The forecast is for a nice warm week, possibly getting colder again by the weekend (naturally it's a Bank Holiday) but all should be fine as I doubt we'll get a frost. Anyone from more northern climes might laugh at me planting out this early but I should get away with it. 

I didn't sow anymore seeds on the veg patch, I decided to leave it a week or two yet and see how those sowed a few days ago get on first; no sign of anything popping it's head up yet but the next few days of warm weather should do the trick. 

I whiled away another hour or so with some general weeding and tidying of the flower beds just to keep on top of the pesky little blighters. If there is one thing I have learnt down the years it is little and often when it comes to weeding it doesn't take long for them to really get going and if you let the weeds get on top of you you are fighting a losing battle. 

With the space now available in the Greenhouse the stronger of the Runner Bean seedlings and all the Tomato seedlings that are currently in the conservatory will be moved to their new home later today the beans to begin the hardening off process and the toms will actually be planted out in the Greenhouse at some point soon. The Cosmos Purity seeds sown into modules last week have germinated beneath the propagator I am happy to report though I am still wondering where to plant them eventually; luckily I have a few weeks yet to decide. 

An added bonus, the Bee's have found my new Kojo No Mai - happy days. 

Cheers 🍺



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