Fools Spring and foolish purchases - it must be March

It was a quiet weekend for me with the weather still too cold to really get going on the veg patch. The temptation was to direct sow some seeds into the plot on Sunday, the sunny days of early March can trick you if you aren't careful, but it can still drop to freezing or less overnight and has done a couple of times here recently. Many gardeners refer to it as 'fools spring' a few sunny afternoons lulling you into the belief the spring has sprung only for old Jack Frost to show up and burn your fingers, and any seedlings, in the blink of  eye. 

The Tomatoes that were sown in pots are coming along nicely in the conservatory and the Runner Beans sowed just over a week ago are just beginning to poke their heads above the compost. They are currently situated on the conservatory table with the Tomatoes on the tumble dryer - I doubt I am alone in running out of space indoors for seedlings. 

In the Greenhouse the Sweet Peas sown last autumn are growing strongly and I have nipped the growing tips off them to encourage the plants to bush out a little. The Geranium cuttings taken from the best plants grown in the garden last year are also looking well and growing nicely.  

Things are moving along and I have one eye on the weather forecast most days. It appears we are in for warmer if wetter weather this week. I might, just might, sow some parsnip seeds into the plot at the weekend I will wait and see; they are possibly the one I am most likely to get away with if the weather turns nippy again. 

For now I will busy myself with plans for the coming weeks and flicking through plant and seed catalogues probably leading to a foolish purchase or two that I really do not need........... just last week I pre-ordered a Phoenix Canariensis from and I am still trying to work out where the hell I am going to plant it when it does arrive 🤣🤣🤣

Cheers 🍺


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