Readying the garden for winter and preparing for next year
It has been a year of successes and failures on the plot in 2024, due in no small part to the ever-changing British weather. One thing that has occurred this growing season that I have never experienced before happened with my Strawberry plants. I cut back the foliage on my plants in early autumn after they had finished fruiting, and they grew back with a vengeance in the warm, wet weather we had through late September and October. I actually had Strawberries forming on the plants again in November! The first proper frost in late November appears to have done for them, no surprise, and I will now give the plants a second trim and a feed of chicken manure pellets to see them through the winter. The Runner Bean bed has been thoroughly weeded, lightly dug over and a compost bin full of compost (around 220 litres) added to the soil along with two 50 litre bags of Farmyard manure. The bed was raked over and has been covered in tarpaulin, weighed down with bricks, to hopefully keep it i...