Green Manure seed mix has been sown as we head into autumn
I have sown a packet of Mr Fothergills Green Manure Autumn/Winter mix on the part of the main veg bed that is now empty the French Beans having finished and the leeks thrown onto the compost heap having bolted. I mentioned in a previous post what handy things Green Manures are. They stop weeds spreading as they grow so quickly, the seeds I sowed had germinated in just three of four days, and prevent nutrients leaching from the soil over winter. Clovers fixes nitrogen in the soil whilst Rye Grass and Mustard improve soil structure - these are all in this particular mix. Green Manures are also beneficial to a number of insects when few if any plants and flowers are around in late autumn and early spring. The plants will be cut down and lightly dug into the soil come spring prior to the sowing of seeds next March/April. If you have never used a green Manure seed mix I would highly recommend them. On the rest of the plot it is all about harvesting and storing at the...